Process Simplification

Are you tired of consultants telling you that the latest best practices or new approaches of the day will solve all your problems? People cannot be fully defined in a flow chart or put in a box. We believe that, to improve performance of your operation, you must first understand people.

Business boiled down to human factors

Understanding processes by looking at human factors is at the essence of finding transformative growth opportunities, better ways of doing things and paths to new markets. Understanding human factors means:

Understanding the human behaviours

Using techniques ranging from observational analysis, quantitative analysis and contextual studies for each people involved in the process.

Having deep knowledge in human cognitive capacities

such as human information processing, perception, decision making, attention, memory etc.

How we work

We first look at the current situation.

  1. Field Study: We conduct eight observations per department. For example if you have three departments we recommend 24 observations.
  2. Analysis: We do analysis of cognitive task, problems, efficiency strategies and overall processes.
  3. Sharing: We share observations and analysis with members of the team, ensure there is clear understanding and that people embrace them as facts.
  4. Potential: We analyze the impacts of problems captured and the benefits of addressing them.
  5. Strategy: We make an action plan to implement solutions that emerge from the field study and analysis done in previous working sessions.
  6. Action Plan: We then formalize action plans (strategies)  for both short and long term improvements.
  7. Information Systems: For information solutions, we design user interface (UI) prototypes simulating the user experience. We then have real users test solutions using simulation in their real environment.

Our clients are among the world’s most ambitious companies. We have shown through hundreds of projects that by understanding the human factors and identifying  solutions we can transform your operational efficiency like never before.

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