BusinessBANKER: Typical Deployment Strategy

What follows is a simplified deployment plan for a typical BusinessBANKER implementation. Each situation is unique, and we encourage customers to first engage with us to perform a cognitive engineering assessment to help optimise your systems.

Phase 1: Initial setup (2 weeks)

The objective is to adapt BusinessBANKER to the specific environment of your business and subsidiaries. This configuration includes the definition of processing circuits, customer types, loans, guarantees, monitoring, and risk models. Once this configuration is established, it will be validated through testing in collaboration with the Risk Director, key users and other members of the management team. Any necessary adjustments will be made at this stage. This work will require several sessions spread over a period of about 2 weeks.

Phase 2: Deployment and Training (approximately 6 weeks)

After validation of the configuration, the deployment phase begins. It opens with a training session intended for main users, designated as “champions”. At the beginning, we recommend starting with new requests before gradually integrating current requests. These “champions” will be identified and will be responsible for supporting and guiding their colleagues throughout the process.

Phase 3: Period of adjustment, tuning and corrections(approximately 2 months)

This crucial step allows for intensive monitoring to identify and rectify any discrepancies or address any challenges encountered. It aims to identify the necessary adjustments, whether in terms of training, the user guide, or configuration parameters. This period ensures that every aspect of the deployment is optimized to meet the bank’s specific needs.

Phase 4: API integration with Core Banking (1 month)

This phase involves precise mapping of data between BusinessBANKER and those of the core banking, CRM and/or ERP systems. The goal is to ensure smooth integration between the different systems. During this stage, particular attention will be paid to ensuring compliance with security standards and communications protocols. Once this integration has been completed, a series of tests will be carried out on test databases before moving into production.

*This deployment example is given for a subsidiary. A tailor-made deployment project will be established for each Subsidiary and its Agencies, and a specific deployment project will be developed for the holding company (parent company).

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