The Cognitive Group (CG), headquartered in Montreal (Canada), was founded in 1995  by the Montreal Computer Research Institute (CRIM) to develop a Cognitive Engineering consulting practice. 

Through its unique background in Cognitive Engineering and deep understanding of human behavior, Cognitive Group delivers unmatched simplicity of systems, solutions and processes. 

With help from our team, the most demanding companies are able to reduce costs and accelerate time to market, because they only program software that is really needed for their processes and users.  

Since 2017, Cognitive Group also offers an end-to-end origination solution called ”BusinessBANKER’’ which completely transforms the loan origination process. This opportunity was made possible, building on 10 years of experience, mutual trust and collaboration with Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), who selected Cognitive Group for their loan origination process. 

Cognitive Group also helped banks in Canada such as : National Bank of Canada, TD Insurance, Laurentian Bank, Desjardins and in China, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and across the globe through technical assistance from the IFC (World Bank).  


Cognitive Group forged partnerships with Maestria, Cofomo, and Central 1.  Those directly benefit our clients as it multiplies our capacity to fulfill all their needs, with a group of more than 2000 experts.


Our purpose is to design solutions that make people feel fulfilled and productive.  We believe that if we put people forward the results will follow.  See our unique approach.

TIMELINE – BusinessBANKER solution

  • 2008: Start of a 10 year collaboration with RBC for their loan origination 
  • 2015: With partners and investors, the company invested 3 years to develop BusinessBANKER 
  • 2017: Software first deployed at BNDE 
  • 2018: Win contract with GBDK in Lisbon
  • 2019-2020: Software deployed in six more banks
  • 2020: BNDE first bank in Africa to offer loan for COVID-19 due to ease of configuration 
  • 2020: Work begin for implementation at DUCA


  • Francois Aubin, Founder and VP Research & Development
  • Marie-Claude Prévost, President 
  • Jacques Perron, Maestria
  • Gaétan Duchesne, GDG 


  • Louis St-Jacques, Archimed
  • Marc-André Roy, R3D
  • Peter Gaston, Common Ground Solutions
  • Jean Paradis


Marie-Claude Prevost

Associé Principal

photo_mc_prevostMarie-Claude is an Electrical Engineer with 20 years experience specialized in process optimisation, user experience (UX) and system design using a human factors approach.  She has a unique ability to rapidly understand how people handle complex situations and design processes so that they are performed in the most efficient way.

She has consulting experience and repeat business with companies such as CAE, Hydro-Quebec, Gaz Metro, RBC, National Bank of Canada, Disnat, Desjardins, TD, Quebec National Library and Archives, Tele-Quebec.  She worked on over than 50 projects involving Web, mobile, tablet, real time, SCADA, mission-5critical systems, client-server, IVR, telecom, portal, Intranet, search engines, policies & procedures, etc.

She is regularly invited as a speaker at international conferences and to give lectures at Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Montreal.  She is actively involved in the Montreal community through various urban/social/art projects and as board member.

Francois Aubin

Founder, Associé Principal

photo_faubinFrancois  has over 20 years of experience showing leading companies how to improve operational efficiency using Cognitive Engineering. He has been involved in over than 100 IT projects and has a high level of expertise in business banking, mortgages processes. Francois’ client list includes Hydro-Quebec, Bell Canada, Ericsson, Lassonde, Kronos, Desjardins and Royal Bank,National Bank, Amazon, PG&E, Shaw Group, V1Jet and American Pacific.

Francois has a B.Sc in physics and a master’s degree specialized in human factors from the Industrial Engineering Department of Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. He has published numerous papers on 3D display, wearable computers, input devices, and task analysis. He frequently gives workshops on user experience at the University of Quebec and at École Polytechnique.

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