AI and Human Decision Making: A Winning Combination standard

Discussions on how AI can improve human decision-making by providing accurate and up-to-date information and knowledge. Human Reasoning Reasoning is the process through which individuals use information and knowledge to make judgments, decisions and solve problems. However, it is surprising to hear people expressing opinions on topics for which they have limited information or knowledge. Questions about the Vietnam War, the JFK assassination, global warming or vaccines receive diverse responses from individuals. Further questioning will reveal that their knowledge on the subject is insignificant. For example, some people determine that climate warming is a natural phenomenon, not caused by human activities. They argue that there were cold and warm periods in the past, volcano emissions are more significant than human ...

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Myth regarding battery electric vehicle versus internal combustion engine standard

Myths have played an important role in human history by providing moral guidance and creating a sense of identity and community. Myths can also be a cognitive limitation for humans and can lead to wrong decisions such as war. Why human believe in myths: They may lack access to accurate information or the skill to evaluate the information they have. They often apply their previous experiences and knowledge to new situations. They might reject information sources because they disagree with the ideology presented by those sources. Cognitive biases that make it difficult to question or challenge myths. For example, people may be more likely to accept information that confirms their existing beliefs and to reject information that contradicts them.  They ...

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Why Data Science Projects Fail and How Cognitive Task Analysis Can Prevent It standard

Key causes of failures No good state of the end goal of a project. The desired outcome that is hoped to be achieved by completing the project.  Poor-quality data can lead to wrong conclusions and unreliable results due to lack of research, not properly assessing the data available. Lack of communication. Data science projects are complex and require collaboration between data scientists, engineers, and stakeholders. Results can lead to misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions being made.  Poor Modeling: If the wrong model is chosen or the model is not fine-tuned properly, the project may not yield the desired results.  How cognitive task analysis can ensure success of data sciences projects Identify what the problem project is intended to solve and create ...

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Automation of the Loan Origination Process standard

BusinessBANKER helps automate the loan origination process by providing a secure, cloud-based platform that automates workflows and integrates with existing systems. With BusinessBANKER, loan officers can quickly and easily collect and track borrower documentation, automate repetitive tasks and get real-time visibility into the status of every loan in the pipeline. As a result, loan officers can spend less time on paperwork and more time developing relationships with borrowers and referral sources. ​​Loan origination automation can take many forms, from online applications that can be automatically processed by lenders to software that helps underwriters verify borrower information. By automating the loan origination process, lenders can reduce the time it takes to approve or deny a loan, making the process more efficient ...

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AI Projects and How They Work standard

Introduction In 2014, Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and others behind Google succeeded in combining neural networks, large quantities of data, and powerful computers to make breakthroughs in the field of AI.  AI or Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent humans. . In practice, AI is not one thing but a set of techniques that can automate tasks such as forecasting, recognizing images, recognizing speech, understanding text, detecting anomalies and other tasks previously reserved for human intelligence. In real life though, human work is complex. It combines multiple tasks at different levels. A medical doctor making a diagnosis will gather information using multiple senses and techniques. He may talk with the patient, touch ...

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Scaling design for a wide audience comprising expert and novice users standard

TAKE AWAY: The best way to ensure a scalable design is to design for experts before designing for novice users. By Francois Aubin  Topic: Scalability and User Experience   Users –whether experts or novices – use an application because they want to accomplish tasks. Experts want rapidity while novices want the ease of learning.  A major design problem is when the target user comprises experts and novices. What does scalability mean? In the area of information technology, scalability has two uses —- 1) From the computer engineer’s perspective,  scalability refers to a computer application or product (whether it is hardware or software) for optimized functioning when the size or its volume is being changed. 2) From the UX user experience ...

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UX researcher – aeronautics standard

Cognitive Group, leader in cognitive engineering, is looking to expand its team located at its downtown Montreal’s office.   Role and responsibilities Perform user research Perform task analysis Build the journey map / business process Analyse comparables and the competition In team with UI/UX designer, do the UI design for web, mobile and other devices  Prepare and run usability tests In team with UI/UX designer, iterate prototypes in a fast iterative mode Interact with customers and stakeholders   Qualifications Empathy Listening skills Opening Ability to present and share design rationale   Preferred Qualifications / Interests Interest in projects of a technical nature intended for experts in aeronautics (pilots, maintenance teams, flight data analysts, etc.) 5 years experience  Bachelor Degree in ...

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Five critical success factors in UI/UX design standard

1) Gathering Information Designing is like making decisions. To make good decisions, you need the right information. The collection and analysis of information is called “user research”. If the information gathered is not good, the analysis will not be good. Information gathering methods: Good: Observation, think aloud and talk back  Valid: Analytical, socio-demographic data, documentation Poor: workshops, focus groups and opinion polls  2) Who is the application for? Ease of use doesn’t mean anything. Those who will use the app once in their lifetime versus those who work 7 hours a day 5 days a week do not have the same definition of ease of use. For the first, the interface must be intuitive, for the second, speed and control ...

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New Version of BusinessBANKER standard

Today, in traditional banks, the average decision time for business loans is between three and five weeks. In our opinion, these times will soon be obsolete and unacceptable. Major banks have embraced the digital lending revolution, which has reduced decision and approval times.   We are happy to announce the version 2 of  BusinessBANKER to help you: Reduce decision time to five minutes. Reduce payout time to less than 24 hours. Automate operations. Provide instant view of transaction pipelines and customer situation. Stay post for coming announcement.  

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Decision support system causes a tragedy at Quebec Directorate of Youth Protection standard

The extraordinary radio program Enquête and the excellent column “Software abuse” by Pierre Trudel published in the April 19, 2019 issue of Le Devoir, reveal shocking facts about a software application called the Practice Support System (PSS).  Thomas Audet, a 22-month-old child, died in June 2016. One month earlier, his case had been brought to the attention of the Quebec Directorate of Youth Protection (DYP). The Human Rights Commission report points to questionable decisions caused by software that delayed the assessment of the child’s youth protection case. The Support System software is mandatory for all youth protection cases. It generates one of three intervention codes: Immediately Within 24 hours Within two to three days “In the case of Thomas […], ...

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