Investing in Technology: A Strategic Approach for Organizations standard

By: Francois Aubin. Topics: Procurement of enterprise software, Open source, Cognitive Engineering. Summary Software costs can be reduced by 70% to 90% when using open source instead of enterprise alternatives. While it requires the engagement of developers with specialized skills, leading to additional costs, the overall economic benefits are considerable. This cost efficiency primarily stems from its free-to-download nature, sparing businesses the expense of funding the extensive research and development typically undertaken by enterprise vendors. Furthermore, open source software provides enhanced scalability, adeptly adapting to a business’s evolving needs.   The IT Procurement Process in Large Organizations In the realm of modern business, organizations are increasingly relying on technology investments to stay competitive. This typically includes expenditures on enterprise software ...

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Cognitive Task Analysis and AI Agents: Extracting Human Expertise for Enhanced AI Performance standard

The introduction of AI systems, such as ChatGPT, marked a significant milestone in computer technology. Although it may not currently surpass human performance in all tasks, it is progressing at an incredible rate. GPT, or “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” has the ability to produce new content based on the input it receives. “Generative” refers to its content generation capabilities, while “pre-trained” signifies that the model has already been trained on a massive dataset (commonly known as the “corpus”), which consists of diverse text sources like books, articles, and websites – equivalent to the content of 37.5 million textbooks. This pre-training allows GPT to gain a broad understanding of language and context before being fine-tuned for specific tasks. The term “transformer” pertains ...

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AI Projects and How They Work standard

Introduction In 2014, Geoffrey Hinton, Yoshua Bengio and others behind Google succeeded in combining neural networks, large quantities of data, and powerful computers to make breakthroughs in the field of AI.  AI or Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent humans. . In practice, AI is not one thing but a set of techniques that can automate tasks such as forecasting, recognizing images, recognizing speech, understanding text, detecting anomalies and other tasks previously reserved for human intelligence. In real life though, human work is complex. It combines multiple tasks at different levels. A medical doctor making a diagnosis will gather information using multiple senses and techniques. He may talk with the patient, touch ...

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