Five critical success factors in UI/UX design standard

1) Gathering Information Designing is like making decisions. To make good decisions, you need the right information. The collection and analysis of information is called “user research”. If the information gathered is not good, the analysis will not be good. Information gathering methods: Good: Observation, think aloud and talk back  Valid: Analytical, socio-demographic data, documentation Poor: workshops, focus groups and opinion polls  2) Who is the application for? Ease of use doesn’t mean anything. Those who will use the app once in their lifetime versus those who work 7 hours a day 5 days a week do not have the same definition of ease of use. For the first, the interface must be intuitive, for the second, speed and control ...

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New Version of BusinessBANKER standard

Today, in traditional banks, the average decision time for business loans is between three and five weeks. In our opinion, these times will soon be obsolete and unacceptable. Major banks have embraced the digital lending revolution, which has reduced decision and approval times.   We are happy to announce the version 2 of  BusinessBANKER to help you: Reduce decision time to five minutes. Reduce payout time to less than 24 hours. Automate operations. Provide instant view of transaction pipelines and customer situation. Stay post for coming announcement.  

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Decision support system causes a tragedy at Quebec Directorate of Youth Protection standard

The extraordinary radio program Enquête and the excellent column “Software abuse” by Pierre Trudel published in the April 19, 2019 issue of Le Devoir, reveal shocking facts about a software application called the Practice Support System (PSS).  Thomas Audet, a 22-month-old child, died in June 2016. One month earlier, his case had been brought to the attention of the Quebec Directorate of Youth Protection (DYP). The Human Rights Commission report points to questionable decisions caused by software that delayed the assessment of the child’s youth protection case. The Support System software is mandatory for all youth protection cases. It generates one of three intervention codes: Immediately Within 24 hours Within two to three days “In the case of Thomas […], ...

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AI in Loan Adjudication standard

A doctor diagnosing, a mechanic repairing equipment, an army general deciding to send his force to combat all use the same model of human information processing. Gather information, evaluate and analyze information, make a decision, execute the action and obtain feedback. Humans have limited attention and judge information using the knowledge stored in their long-term memory. In a loan application, the role of the loan adjudicator is to decide whether or not the loan application will be accepted. To achieve this objective, the adjudicator verifies and analyzes the information to ensure that the loan application meets the criteria and standards of the financial institution. These criteria are established over the years of banking practices. Risk managers from across the organization ...

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What is Cognitive engineering standard

Cognitive engineering combines system engineering and cognitive ergonomics. Ergonomics means the study of work. Cognitive ergonomics means studying mental work. Unlike design thinking where people are in the office trying to imagine human work and problems in committee, the cognitive engineer first makes a cognitive analysis of the task. Cognitive analysis of the task (Cognitive Task Analysis) is to observe one by one the users, ideally in the work environment, doing their work and asking them to think aloud. Observations are recorded and verbatim analyzed. The cognitive analysis includes the analysis of goals and subgoals, information consulted, knowledge, decisions and actions performed. The problems that are encountered and effective strategies are analyzed.   Following the cognitive analysis of the task, ...

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Why Card Sorting is Wrong standard

Card sorting is a technique that was originally used in libraries to organize large quantities of information. Card sorting uses physical cards with words (or pictures or physical objects).  The cards are put on a big table and users are asked to group these cards into categories that make sense to them.   This technique allows to understand how users group information but is a wrong approach to organize information in a user interface because: When users interact with computers, the optimal information organization is not necessarily logical. Information can be organized along: 1) frequency /importance of use;  2) sequence of task 3) logical group;  4) standards (ex: month of the years), 5) numerical or alphabetical order. When doing card ...

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Revolution in system maintenance standard

You are told that you are better off replacing your IT system. Read this before going any further.  Here are some truths nobody will tell you. Vendors make more money if you replace your system. Systems you purchase include many unnecessary features you pay for. You will certainly have some specific needs that are not met by the system. To get the features to meet these needs, you will need to pay extra money. One day, the vendors will come back and tell you that you need to upgrade because they no longer support the version you purchased. Analysts such as Gardner, that review IT system vendors, are sponsored by the very vendors they review. Tired of complex projects and ...

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Key Steps to Fight Procrastination standard

Summary: Procrastination consists of postponing key tasks to the last minute while doing pleasing task instead. By using the pleasing tasks to your advantage you can effectively fight procrastination.   We have a report to write, problems to solve, handy work to do. Instead of doing those key tasks, we do all sort of other things. We attend unnecessary meetings, browse the internet, talk with colleagues, accept other engagements and end up with last minute panic. This situation is widespread. It greatly impacts our performance and the quality of our deliverable. The enemies that make us procrastinate are those small pleasures that seduce us into postponing important tasks. The trick to fighting procrastination is to transform this enemy into our ...

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The Irony of Project Management standard

After a business review that included a field study and cognitive task analysis, it was found that the new software require three times more user action. The project manager reacted by saying the project scope is to make the transition, respect deadlines and budget. Meaning he does not want to change the plan. After reviewing  the findings again, they realized that the situation was even worst than they expected it. In the end, the client followed our recommendations because the facts were rock solid and we found a solution that would integrate existing technology already in use at the financial institution. Many IT (Information technology) projects are planned and scoped before need analysis or field study are done. Over the ...

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Cognitive Group’s 10 most useful software – 2012 edition standard

Cognitive Group’s user experience (UX) team regularly publishes a list of the ten most useful applications. Useful things save time, save energy, increases safety and provide better quality results. Google Search. Google is the ultimate gateway to the Internet. Google search engine provides all the world’s information at the tip of your finger. Coursea and iTunes University. Anyone, anywhere, can now attend classes with the best instructors in the world for free. The possibilities are endless.

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