Cognitive Group’s 10 most useful software – 2012 edition standard

Cognitive Group’s user experience (UX) team regularly publishes a list of the ten most useful applications. Useful things save time, save energy, increases safety and provide better quality results. Google Search. Google is the ultimate gateway to the Internet. Google search engine provides all the world’s information at the tip of your finger. Coursea and iTunes University. Anyone, anywhere, can now attend classes with the best instructors in the world for free. The possibilities are endless.

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The Cognitive Approach standard

Introduction IT projects tend to be executed in distinct phases. 1. determining the business needs, 2. setting system specifications for those needs, 3. programming and then 4. testing. The first two phases usually represent 50%[1] of a project’s cost. The traditional way of determining the business needs is to ask users or subject matter experts to express the needs verbally. Analysts then transcribe them and define the system requirements that will meet the needs. System requirement’s documents are finally reviewed and approved.

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Change Management : A Catch-22 standard

The catch-22 The levels at which impacts of change are major are not understood while the levels at which impacts are minor are easily understood. Why? Most managers believe people resist change because humans have a natural desire to keep the status quo. They believe that resistance to change is a defense mechanism caused by frustration and anxiety. With this diagnostic, executives belief that good change leadership comes with a strong message from the top, effective communication plan, mandatory training and sometimes, removing undesirable parties that are labeled as strong change resistant.

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10 Things to pay attention in evaluating user interface standard

it would be wrong to rate user interface solely, and compliance to set of heuristic since the impact of each one of them depend of the context of use. For example, it is wrong to say that the CNN web complies at 75% while the New York Times web site complies at 88%. Prior to applying heuristics, it is essential to have a good grasp of the user profile and task. User Profile comprises a description of the user frequency of use (once in a lifetime or everyday), familiarity with technology, gender age, and training, etc. The task description comprises: what are the user Goal, Sub goal and Methods and Frequency (looking for flight arrival 95% of the time, booking a flight 5% of the time) Get three to five independent evaluators that share the list of heuristics, user profile and task. Each one of them evaluate the user interface during one or two hours separately Share the findings together and rate each problems in term of high medium and low impact. High impact problems prevent user from performing their tasks while low impact might be an aesthetic aspect or a nice-to-have feature.

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What user want! standard

I expect the system to provide me all  information I need without being overload. I want to be able to accomplish my task in the natural flown of my thinking without being distracted. I don’t want to have to perform unnecessary steps, actions, calculation, or take notes. I want to be able to read and understand, symbols an graphic instantly. I expect have feedback following my actions. I want interaction techniques to be consistent and familiar. I expect the system prevent errors or provide errors recovery mechanism. I want the system provide rapid method for frequent task and guidance for unfamiliar task. I want visibility. I don’t feel uncomfortable with hidden processes. I want to find my way easily.  

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Uncertainties in complex dynamic environment standard

In May Cognitive Group met with peers to present “Uncertainties in complex dynamic environment”. The presentation was connected with the review paper of Hasmik Atoyan recently accepted by JIPS (Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système). The paper is done in collaboration with Dr. Jean-Marc Robert (École Polytechnique de Montréal) and Dr. Jean-Rémi Duquet (Lockheed Martin Canada). The paper is a part of Hasmik’s PhD research at École Polytechnique related to uncertainties in complex systems. Automation can expose and create several types of uncertainties, especially in dynamic complex environments.This subject has become a topic of interest for Hasmik during her work with new technologies being developed at Lockheed Martin Canada. Poorly designed automation can increase uncertainties in the system. These uncertainties would create additional ...

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We believe in human standard

Topic: Decision Illusion This talk from Dan Ariely is a must see (presented at the TED conference, posted May 2009) People have visual illusions and cognitive (decision-making) illusions. In visual illusion we can easily demonstrate mistakes. For example, we can measure to verify if our visual comparison is right. Cognitive (decision-making) illusion is not easy to see, it’s much-much harder to demonstrate people the mistakes (for example, our selection for an option is influenced by how the information is presented). We have a feeling, we think we are in control and we are making the decision. It’s very hard even to accept the idea that we have an illusion of making the decision rather than actual decision. When decision is ...

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Cognitive Group helps reduce CSST’s help desk cost by 30% standard

Situation The Quebec Worker Compensation Board (CSST) provides services to 3 million workers across the province of Quebec in Canada. The information technology department of the CSST was looking to improve the quality of their help desk. The Information Technology support service provides on-line technical support and maintains the CSST network infrastructure.  There was indications unreliability in the services offered. Even if 95% of trouble ticket were resolved within 24 hours in respect with the internal service agreement, there was high level of complains. Having heard of the reputation Cognitive Group for Business Process optimization. The Quebec Worker Compensation Board CIO decided to hire Cognitive Group to optimize the CSST’s customer services. Approach The project began with a review of ...

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